
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

John 15:12

O.N.E (Our Nuptial Experiences) - Are you married? Are you investing in your relationship? Learn how through our marriage enrichment ministry. It is designed to bring marriages closer on your journey to oneness and lead couples in exemplifying love for each other as Christ has shown His love for the church. 
GDIM Couples Retreat at Calloway Gardens 

The Journey with Rueben & Allyson

Join Pastor & Lady on their Journey 

Check out Pastor and Lady Speight on YouTube as they take us along their Journey of being married, their Journey of loving God, and keeping God first in their relationship. It is their heart's desire to consistently exemplify Christian principles and values for couples and their families through their journey. On their YouTube Channel, they provide wisdom and knowledge to help you along your journey.